CNAR’s mission is to continuously connect members, experts, and insights in support of regulatory excellence.

CNAR offers Canadian regulators the opportunity to SAVE, CONNECT, SHARE and LEARN. Apply today!

Don’t miss CNAR’s latest announcements on the Annual Conference, webinars, virtual discussions, member and Partner news, and more.

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The CNAR Community
The CNAR community includes Canada's national, provincial, and territorial regulatory organizations from diverse areas of professional regulation from Prince Edward Island to the Yukon. From large organizations overseeing hundreds of regulators to newly-formed or small colleges still developing their infrastructure, members share information, discuss emerging regulatory issues, develop best practices, and move together collectively towards regulatory excellence in Canada.
CNAR believes that only by working together with our partners, bringing their expertise to our community of regulators, can we achieve our shared goal of achieving regulatory excellence in Canada. We value the role and expertise that our partners contribute, and we commit to ensuring this is a positive engagement for our partners.

Members, subscribers, suppliers and partners can post and search the CNAR Job Bank any time, free of charge!

Connect and collaborate with regulators in your professions from all over the country.

Our partners are committed to supporting Canada’s regulatory community and are best in class.